Three Tips to Take care of a sterilized Cat

Tre consigli per prendersi cura di un gatto sterilizzato
What happens after a cat’s sterilization or neutering? What to do? Let’s find out!
In our article “Cat sterilization: why it is necessary“ we spoke about the benefits of this surgery, starting from the increase of life expectancy. Sterilization or neutering (in male cats) can change some features of your pet, causing weight gain, urinary sensitivity and a reduction in physical activity.
However, sterilization prevents risk factors such as pregnancies, cat fighting and so on, increasing life expectancy.
We identified three useful tips to take care of a sterilized cat.

1) How to feed a sterilized cat? A Key Point

A healthy, balanced and quality diet is essential both for humans and for animals… and even more when it comes to a sterilized or neutered cat.
Choosing a correct diet is crucial because, after the surgery, your cat will tend to gain weight due to hormonal changes. Their diet must be balanced according to these changes.
At Oasy, we provide everal products for sterilized cats. The dry Lifestage sterilized foods have a very high fibre content to promote a sense of satiety. They are available in different flavours, such as salmon, chicken and turkey. In fact, these foods are formulated to control weight and support the health of the urinary tract.
Chunks in gravy Adult Sterilized instead contain additives such as DL-Methionine and vitamin C, which also support the health of the urinary tract and control the urinary pH.
For playful moments, you can go for a little snack: the delicious Treats Sterilized.

2) Encouraging your cat to drink water is a good idea

Cats usually do not drink enough. However, water is crucial, especially after sterilization or neutering: it makes urine more liquid and prevents stone formation. Our cat has to always have fresh and clean water available. Avoid placing water near the litter and try putting it around the house in several cups and bowls (preferably in ceramic or steel).
Some cats love to have wet whiskers, so try to fill your bowl to the brim with fresh and clean water, once a day. Wash the bowl frequently, cats care about hygiene!

3) Don’t forget playful moments. They are essential to keep cats in shape

Sterilized or neutered cats could become lazier, so make them move.
Playing with your cat making them jump, building pathways and simulating a hunt or a chase help training motor skills. This plays help our pets keeping fit and stimulate their mind, but they are also an opportunity to strengthen your bond.

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