Travelling by car with your dog: 5 useful tips

Travelling by car with your dog: 5 useful tips
Ready, steady, go! Holiday is coming: would you like to go somewhere with your four-legged friend? Below are some tips to help them travel with you at their best.
There is nothing better than going on holiday with your dog: it’s a strong experience for both of you, which will help you share a lot of new, unforgettable moments together. Would you like to travel by car? Make sure to plan everything at your best by following the tips below, so that both of you can enjoy your journey.

1. Safety first

If you are travelling by car with your dog, there’s nothing more important than providing the best security standards for both. In fact, Article 169 of the Italian Traffic Code states: “It is forbidden to bring more than a single pet in a means of transport, and they absolutely must not pose any danger to the driver”.
In general, while you are driving, your dog should stay in a totally separated space, in order to avoid any kind of risk. Therefore, the dog can travel by car, provided that they “stay in an appropriate cage, transport kennel or in the space behind the driver’s seat. This space and the driver’s seat should be separated with a net or another specific means; anyway, if you decide to install such means permanently, you have to be sure they are authorised by the Department for Transport”.

2. Comfort and relax

In addition to safety, you should also provide comfort and relax to your dog: their favourite blanket and a toy are surely a good idea to help them feel more comfortable and to entertain them.
For a more enjoyable journey, you should avoid travelling during the warmest hours. Besides, you could also cover the windows with some stick-on shades, so that you can limit direct light from the outside: in this way, your four-legged friend can stay and rest in a more relaxing, shadowy space throughout the entire journey.
Temperature is another important factor too : besides turning on air conditioning, you should also ensure its constant recirculation by occasionally opening the windows. This could also protect your dog from low temperatures.
Moreover, if your dog has never travelled by car, you should gradually get them used to car spaces, before going on holiday: so, first, let them frequently change place inside the car, taking care of what they do and reassuring them.

3. Frequent breaks

Before travelling by car with your dog a clear itinerary plan is one of the main things you better prepare, together with frequent breaks during the journey. Not only you should leave at the best time, in order to avoid warm temperatures or traffic: some “pit-stops” may be invigorating for your four-legged friend. Therefore, your dog needs to take a break at a rest stop area or, even better, in a parking area with some green spaces, where they can drink some fresh water and, maybe, have time for some physical needs. Can you do something else for your beloved pet? Of course: some sweet cuddling, before getting back on the road, will surely help them relax.

4. Never leave them alone in your car

No matter what: you should never leave your dog alone in the car. You shouldn’t do that for a few minutes and with the windows down either. A heatstroke is always possible and, besides, your four-legged friend could feel stressed if you leave them alone. It’s also forbidden to do that according to the Traffic Code and, if you do so, you could be legally prosecuted.

5. A great, rewarding moment after travelling

To make sure your dog doesn’t suffer from car sickness, you shouldn’t feed them just before leaving: if you want them to eat anyway, a small amount of dry food is the right choice. Then, once arrived, you can give them their usual food: their favourite snack could be a good idea. So, this healthy, tasty rewarding moment surely helps them start this new, fantastic adventure together on the right paw.

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