Protecting Your Dog From Fireworks

Cani e Petardi: Come proteggerli dai fuochi fuochi d'artificio
New Year’s approaching and a lurking “enemy” is waiting for your four-legged friends: New Year’s Eve fireworks.

New Year’s approaching and a lurking “enemy” is waiting for your four-legged friends: New Year’s Eve fireworks. In fact, their noise causes real discomfort to cats and dogs, since they cannot understand from where such loud and strong noise comes.

Due to their highly developed and sensitive hearing, dogs in particular can suddenly feel disoriented when fireworks crack, so they can’t realise how to get away. Below are some useful tips to prevent your pet from being distressed by fireworks.

If your dog stays outdoor

  • Take them in, preferably in a place they already know;
  • Prepare their usual doghouse and leave them some toys;
  • If you can’t take them in, please be sure that there are no getaways outside: as soon as fireworks start, your dog will probably try to run away;
  • Please be also sure there are no objects which can hurt them;
  • As soon as fireworks start, stay and play with your dog, so that they should calm down. Distract them, but do not try to protect them, since you would only make your dog feel more anxious.

If your dog stays indoor

  • Leave at least two rooms free for them, with lights on and open doors;
  • Please be sure it is easy for them to reach their doghouse;
  • Please be sure there are no objects which can hurt them;
  • Please check that roller shutters and windows are closed, so they will deaden loud noises;
  • Leave your dog their toys or any other thing they usually like to chew;
  • Distract them by turning on radio or TV at low volume.

If your dog stays with you during New Year’s dinner

  • Inform your guests about how your dog feels and agree that you will look after them in case of needs;
  • If children attend the dinner, tell them not to run or agitate your dog; actually it would be better that they ignore them;
  • Leave doors open and make sure that your dog can easily reach their doghouse;
  • If there are narrow places in the house, please make sure that your dog cannot reach them;
  • If your dog hides away do not force them to come out: keep calm and be gentle if they accidentally pee inside the house;
  • Do not draw too much attention on your dog and try to distract them with a positive and cheerful attitude;
  • Be careful to keep a soft voice tone, low TV volume and, above all, not to make too much noise when uncorking bottles;
  • Keep all doors and balconies shut, since they can be really dangerous getaways.

Finally, do always remember that your vet can give you further useful suggestions or prescribe medicines or natural remedies, which can help your dog overcome this “difficult” situation.

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